MDs Embracing Holistic Health

Health Care Challenges

Western medicine is known for its focus on the medical and surgical treatment of specific symptoms and conditions. With the explosion of scientific knowledge, new applications in science and technology move at a rapid pace in medicine. There are more laboratory tests and three-dimensional imaging studies possible than ever before.

But are the advancements in medicine leading to increased longevity? A higher quality of life? Shockingly, the U.S. life expectancy for 2023 has declined to 76.4 years, the shortest it's been for two decades. As discussed in a report by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health,  the leading causes of this decline are due to increasing rates of depression and suicide, and higher infant and maternal mortality. The report points to problems in the structure of the U.S. Health system. 

Furthermore, the increasing demands on physicians in the medical system may reward more testing, and less talking to understand what may be at the root of the problem. When the diagnosis and treatment of disease drives medicine, more so than focusing on prevention and exploring the root cause of the problem, a truly holistic approach to health seems remote at best. 

People Know More and Expect More

There is a growing trend among the public towards holistic health practices. This movement is partly driven by a desire for more natural and less invasive treatments, alongside a greater awareness of the limitations of conventional medicine in addressing complex, chronic health issues. Over the past several decades, "patients" are no longer accepting instructions from their doctors, without doing their own due diligence, asking questions and having greater demands for solutions that also may address the root cause of the problem. People know more, and are expecting more for their health. Treatments that consider one's entire lifestyle, environment, and emotional health are now a priority.

Impact on MD Physicians

For MD physicians, this shift means accepting and encouraging a more integrative model of care. It requires a broader understanding of various non-traditional health practices and a willingness to collaborate with professionals from different health disciplines. This integration presents an opportunity for physicians to counsel patients, and encourage a complementary approaches such as acupuncture.

Take Home Points

The embrace of holistic approaches by western medicine represents a significant and positive shift. It acknowledges the complexity of human health and the limitations of a purely symptom-focused approach. This integration benefits patients, offering more comprehensive and personalized care, and challenges MD physicians to expand their perspectives and skill sets. Acupuncture's growing role is a testament to this change, signaling a future where health care is truly integrative, considering the full spectrum of human health and wellness.


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