The Role of Acupuncture in Cancer Care

The diagnosis of cancer - whether it be breast, lung, colon or skin cancer - may be an overwhelming and complex experience that involves not only accepting the news, and figuring out the journey of treatment and care, but also may be deeply emotionally troubling. Few diagnoses force us to face our mortality head on the way the diagnosis of cancer does.

Why We Must Face Our Cancer Head On 

Recent research published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine by one of Seyhart's founders has demonstrated that an "approach-oriented coping" process, when we engage actively with a new diagnosis of cancer - that is, accepting it and leaning into it by learning all we can and involving close friends and family members in the process, results in better emotional health than when we use "avoidance" in the way we cope. Avoidance - that is, not wanting to know any of the details, perhaps not accepting the actual diagnosis, busying oneself with other life tasks so that we distract ourselves to avoid all of the feelings within ourselves - has been linked to more clinical depression and poor outcomes. The more we can do to improve our emotional health when dealing with illness, the better our bodies may be physiologically able to fight disease. 

I Have Cancer - How Does Acupuncture Benefit Me?

Acupuncture is a widely accepted complementary therapy in cancer care. Its efficacy in alleviating cancer-related symptoms and improving overall quality of life has been extensively studied. The stimulation by inserting needles into specific points in the body modulates various physiological processes, including pain perception, immune function, and hormonal balance. A recent review in the Journal of Clinical Nursing found evidence for acupuncture in improving gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, peripheral neuropathy, pain, dry mouth, fatigue and that acupuncture increased one's cognitive capacity.

A review on the benefits of acupuncture in cancer care from UCLA may be found here. Although many oncologists and cancer specialists do encourage acupuncture as a complementary approach treatment, many medical specialists may simply not be aware of the benefits of acupuncture. Please spread the word to your medical team so that patients everywhere may better understand how they may benefit. 

Acupuncture Protocols in Cancer

Acupuncture protocols in cancer care are tailored to address individual patient needs and the specific symptoms requiring support. Typically, a series of acupuncture sessions are recommended, ranging from weekly to every other week. Because of the scientific evidence supporting how acupuncture modulates our immunity, on-going acupuncture treatments may be recommended long after the cancer has been treated and cured. A robust immune system is needed to help eliminate abnormal cells before they grow and become detectable cancer. 

Is Acupuncture Safe If I Am Immunocompromised?

Acupuncture is considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner. Because the needles used in acupuncture are sterile and single-use, and alcohol is used to wipe the skin before insertion, the risk of infection during acupuncture is very low when performed by experienced professionals. 

Does Chemotherapy or Other Medication Interfere with Acupuncture? 

Because acupuncture is not known to alter the metabolic pathways that are being targeted and altered by medication and chemotherapy, there is no known additional risk nor interference to receiving acupuncture during treatments. In fact, acupuncture may work to support the body's own core level of health. Therefore some practitioners believe that acupuncture may enhance the effect of cancer therapy in some cases.

Empowerment and Self-Care

Beyond the clinic setting, acupuncture empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing journey. Many acupuncturists provide self-care techniques, such as acupressure, breathing exercises, and dietary recommendations, to support patients between sessions. By incorporating these practices into daily routines, individuals can optimize their well-being and cultivate resilience in the face of cancer.

Take-Home Points

Acupuncture is an important and growing complementary approach in cancer care, providing symptom relief, improvement from pain, and overall enhancing quality of life, and fostering patient empowerment. Embracing holistic health strategies such as acupuncture, can help individuals engage more deeply with a cancer diagnosis which in itself can improve outcomes. 


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